Best Shake App Launcher Apps To Launch App By Shaking Phone

Best Shake App Launcher Apps To Launch App By Shaking Phone

There are numerous Android app launcher apps that lets you launch your favorite app, instantly. There are many apps for launching apps and at the same time there are many alarm clock apps as that lets you launch your favorite app as soon as the alarm stops. You might be wondering, Why am I stretching the words unnecessarily.

Well, have you ever imagined of such app launcher applications that lets you launch app mere by shaking your Android device. Here below in the article, we're going to introduce best shake app launcher apps that lets you launch apps simply by shaking your phone.

No matter, which app you wish to launch, these app launcher works efficiently allowing to launch your favorite app, right away. Let's checkout these apps below:


Shake App

Shake is another shake app launcher app that lets you launch app no matter which ever app your desire. This app have the abilityt to launch any type of of, which can be either WhatsApp, Facebook, Music Player, or any other.

This app offers you full control over enabling or disabling of certain features of your Android device, that can be, Wifi, brightness, flight mode, call contact, and many more. This app lets you shake horizontally and vertically both and for each shake type you can cutsomize your desired app that you wish to launch. This app has the ability to launch apps when your screen is off. From the settings panel you can easily customize the shake sensor sensitivity level, so that you don't break your phone while shaking your device vigorously.

Grab this app from here.

Developed By: ADL Dev


AppShaker is a free shake app launcher application that lets you choose your favorite apps and launch them mere by shaking your Android device. This app lets you select multiple apps at a time and launches that set of apps immediately after detecting potential shake. The app comes with many customization settings where you can customize the shake sensitivity, and to check whether there is any necessity to start this app soon after phone boot process.

Grab this app from here.

Developed By: Prodigen

C Shaker:

C Shaker for Android

From the makers of C Locker free App which is a screen locker app, now comes another C Shaker app that lets you launch apps mere ny shaking your Android device.

You can set custom shake actions and at the same time toggle System Settings whenever you shake your phone. This app allows you to customize all the selections and the respective app launch actions each time when you shake your device once, twice, or thrice. The sensitivity level can be altered and adjusted according to your requirements.

Grab this app from here.

Developed By: astoncheah

There are many shake lock apps that  lets you lock your screen by shaking your phone. If you love to launch apps immediately, then try these app launcher apps to launch your favorite app mere by shaking your Android device.

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